Monday, June 15, 2009

San Miguel de Allende, Mexico

If I were the type of person who goes on first impressions I would have probably ordered the driver back to the airport long before arriving at San Miguel de Allende. And I would have missed one of the truly wonderful vacation spots in all of Mexico.

The two lane road from the airport in Leon was treacherous at times, intensified by multiple car passings that amounted to something between a game of roadway chicken and liars dice. Irregular fields of corn, weeds, and cacti spanned all the way to faded blue mountain ranges far to the north. A hodgepodge of electrical lines crossed back and forth over the highway as if there was no thought given to where to place the next power pole.

The lifeless landscape was dotted with small towns - outposts, really. Their unfinished cinderblock and rebar buildings bore the signature style of which I have become accustom during my travels to rural Mexico. That is, until we crossed a bridge and circled around Lake Ignacio, introducing me to my destination.

The picturesque town is laid out around a lively town square or Jardin, full of quaint shops, a bank, and inviting restaurants. Within a few blocks of the San Miguel’s center you’ll find everything from car and motorcycle rentals to outstanding boutique hotels. Exploring the side streets to find these hidden gems is part of the town’s charm.

San Miguel boasts several beautiful churches, the most well-known of which is probably La Parroquia, Church of St. Michael the Archangel. It’s pink colonial spires reach high into the sky above the Jardin and its bells echo melodically over the building tops.

Contact Addresses

Secretaia de Turismo (SECTUR), San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, Mexico

Tel: (415) 152 0900


SPECIAL NOTE: One of the most striking features of San Miguel are the heavy wooden doors to the faceless buildings that line its narrow streets. Behind them you’ll find some of the most breathtaking haciendas in the world. Many of these can be rented for group or family vacations, and often includes housekeepers and cooks!

Safety Rating: *****

San Miguel de Allende is a very safe town with very few safety or security concerns. It's difficult to imagine a place so deep in Mexico, but offering all the conveniences of a modern U.S. city -- but San Miguel does just that. Traveling on the roads to and from it may be your greatest challenge, and the biggest threat to your safety. Take your time and/or hire a decent driver.